Simulaation sisältö perustuu akateemisiin lähteisiin poislukien yksi väittämä, joka perustuu lainsäädäntöön.
Lähteet simulaation tilanteisiin
Charas, S. (2015). Improving corporate performance by enhancing team dynamics at the board level. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 12, 107–131. doi:10.1057/jdg.2013.35.
Forbes, D. & Milliken, F. (1999). Cognition and Corporate Governance: Understanding Boards of Directors as Strategic Decision-making Groups, Academy of Management Review, 24(3), 489–505.
Huse, M. (2005). Accountability and Creating Accountability: a Framework for Exploring Behavioural Perspectives of Corporate Governance, British Journal of Management, 16(1), 65–79.
Huse, M. (2007). Boards, Governance and Value Creation. Cambridge University Press, UK.
Kaufman, B. (2002) Grappling with Dysfunctional Board Relationships, Journal of Business Strategy, 23(6), 26–31.
Pearce, J. & Zahra, S. (1991). The relative power of CEOs and Boards of Directors: Associations with corporate performance, Strategic Management Journal, 12(2), 135–153.
Roberts, J., McNulty, T. & Stiles, P. (2005). Beyond Agency Conceptions of the Work of the Non-Executive Director: Creating Accountability in the Boardroom, British Journal of Management, 16, 5–26.
Sonnenfeld, J. A. (2002). What Makes Great Boards Great, Harvard Business Review, 80(9), 106–113.
Van den Berghe, L. A. A. & Levrau, A. (2004). Evaluating Boards of Directors: what constitutes a good corporate board? Corporate Governance, 12(4), 461-479.
Inspiraation lähteinä ovat lisäksi toimineet seuraavat:
Koskinen, Satu. (2019) At the heart of the Board: CEO and Chair. Processes, practices and relationships. PhD Dissertation. University of Jyväskylä. Available at: https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/62814
Koskinen, Satu. (2020) Puheenjohtajan ja toimitusjohtajan vuorovaikutus hallitustyön ytimessä. Boardman Oy ja Boardcoach Oy.
Payne, G., Benson, G., & Finegold, D. (2009). Corporate Board Attributes, Team Effectiveness and Financial Performance. Journal of Management Studies, 46(4), 704-731.